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・・・ハリソン・フォード主演の国策映画の企画。ユニバーサル『ファルージャ奪還の戦い(The Battle for Falluja)』、ファルージャ解放のために戦う米軍の物語(@∀@)・・・イラクで上映してみやがれ、できるもんなら!w


▼(原文)Japan's war burden
>Published: December 15 2004 02:00 | Last updated: December 15 2004 02:00
>To outsiders, it seems odd that so many Japanese want Junichiro Koizumi, their prime minister, to continue visiting Tokyo's Yasukuni shrine, where notorious war criminals are commemorated along with other warriors. A survey out yesterday shows 44 per cent want Mr Koizumi to carry on, while 38 per cent say he should stop.
>The reason for Japan's hard-heartedness - complaints from the war victims - is even odder. But China's shrill protests about the Yasukuni visits have had the opposite of the intended effect. Instead of dissuading Mr Koizumi, they have angered the Japanese; only a 10th of those surveyed found Beijing's complaints understandable.
>Japan - to the delight of the US, its superpower sponsor - is emerging from a post-war period of pacifism and diplomatic reticence. Last week Tokyo unveiled a defence plan that names China and North Korea as causes for concern and aims to modernise the armed forces. A confident Japan even extracted a grudging apology from China for the incursion of a Chinese nuclear-powered submarine into Japanese territorial waters last month.
>Japanese officials are visibly impatient with China's constant references to the war crimes of the 1930s and 1940s. Beijing, they argue, harps on in public about Japanese war guilt when its real worry is that China's geopolitical ambitions may be thwarted by a powerful US ally just across the East China Sea.
>China has overplayed its hand with Japan. By insisting that Mr Koizumi shun Yasukuni as the price for an official visit to Beijing, Chinese leaders have painted themselves into a corner. Japan is equally unwilling to lose face, and political ties are at their worst for years in spite of robust trade relations. There is no guarantee that the next Japanese prime minister will be more accommodating than Mr Koizumi.
>Japan must share the blame for this awkward stand-off between east Asia's two great powers. Although the country has issued muted apologies related to the war, it differs from Germany in failing honestly to admit the extent of the horrors it inflicted on its neighbours more than 60 years ago.
>There is something to be said for having at least one nation in the Asia-Pacific region, other than the US, that has sufficient economic and military clout to stand up to a resurgent China. No other countries - not even the 10 members of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations - have the power or the inclination to respond as firmly as Japan to any Chinese bullying, whether the dispute is at the United Nations or in the contested waters of the South China Sea.
>But until Mr Koizumi and other Japanese leaders can understand what it is about Yasukuni that angers Chinese, Koreans and other Asians - not to mention British and American veterans - there is little chance that Japan will wield the diplomatic influence it craves to match its economic might and re-emergent military strength.


▼Returning Fallujans will face clampdown@ボストングローブ
By Anne Barnard, Globe Staff | December 5, 2004


「日の丸・君が代とか強制してると国が滅びますよ!(@∀@) (例)大日本帝国」