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"There was not Nanjing Massacre"? LOL:-D

The children who don't know war will tell you stupid thing.

In 1937, My grandfather was a soldier of the Great Japanese Empire. He killed many Chinese in Nanjing according to the orders of the senior officers.

He belonged to the division 16 (from Kyoto). My grandfather and his fellow soldier pushed many Chinese captives into a waterway. People's hand and the foot were tied up with a rope or a wire.

Nobody of the Japanese soldiers knew whether the captives were citizens or soldiers. The soldiers were influenced by fear and anger.
The most Chinese were drowned. The remainder was cut with katanas or shot with a gun.  

My grandfather was a conservative man and respected Emperor Hirohito. However he became unpleasant anytime when he remember the execution.
"The Chinese in Nanjing were miserable. But," he said. "it was war."

Yes, that's real war.

Name: Masamune Kurou
URL: http://d.hatena.ne.jp/claw/

「日の丸・君が代とか強制してると国が滅びますよ!(@∀@) (例)大日本帝国」